In order to reflash the SD card, you should have some basic knowledge of:
- How to navigate windows
- How to download and uncompress a .zip file
Check the SD Card for errors
- Bring up Windows Explorer and locate your SD Card drive letter (in the example is G:)
- Right-click on the drive letter and select "Properties"
- On the Properties dialog box, select "Tools" tab
- Click on "Check" to check for any errors
- If check disk reports no errors then continue to the next steps
Download and Unzip the file
- Download the following .zip file and save it to your "downloads" folder
- Locate the downloaded file ("")
- Right-click on the .zip file and select "Extract All..."
- Accept the defaults and click "Extract" to continue (Be patient. This may take awhile)
- When done, you should see "FlashSoundLoops" folder created
Flash the SD card
- Browse to the "FlashSoundLoops" folder and double-click on Win32DiskImager.exe to start the flashing process
- When prompted by windows, select "Yes" to continue
- In "Win32 Disk Imager" window, click Folder button and locate and select "SoundLoops.img"
- In "Device" dropdown, select your SD Card drive.
- Click "Write" to flash the SD card (This may take awhile, so, be patient)
- You should see "Write Successful" confirmation dialog like below