To test the pump functionality, we can send a direct command to manually turning on/off the pump. Before doing so, make sure that you have plenty of water in the reservoir. While the pump is on, it may use up all the water in the reservoir. This is ok. The pump will not break even without enough water. Do not try to add more water to the reservoir. You don't want the water to overflow when it is fully recycled back. Also, don't worry about drowning the plants. The excess water will eventually drain back into the reservoir.

Note about the command

  • Commands are case-sensitive
  • All "0"s are zeros


1. Go to the Direct command section of the SmartTerra application. Instructions below:

2. Under the direct command input type in the following command to turn on the pump to 100% 


3. Confirm that there is water shooting out of the rain tubes (not just dripping) and the pump is running continuously

4. Turn off the pump when we are done with the test. Requires 2 commands

r05SP001 - This will turn off the pump

r05SP000 - Restore the pump state back to auto

5. Restart the SmartTerra unit once you are done

Command Syntax explained

r05SPnnn (nnn = direct power from 0% - 100%)