Physical Examination

Check and make sure that the fan is connected.

1. Open the spine lid

2. Check if the fan's cable is properly connected to the port on the circuit board. If not, connect it

Functional Test

This will require the application to send some direct commands to the unit. Please restart the SmartTerra unit and make sure that the application can connect to it. Check the following link on how to send a direct command:


1. Send the following command to remove the upper fan limit:


2. Send the following command to run the fan at full speed :


Wait a couple of seconds for the changes. At this point see if you should hear the fan running. If not then the fan might be broken. Note this and let our support know. Continue to restore the fan settings below.

Restore the Fan Settings

1. Send the following command to restore the upper fan limit:


2. Send the following command to reset back the fan functionality:
