Go to App Store, download and install "nRF Connect"
1. Scan and locate your unit (SMT_xxxxxx) then press "Connect"
2. Select "Client" Tab
3. Scroll down to locate the "Unknown Characteristic" and click on the icon with 3 bars to subscribe to it
4. Now, we need to send a command to the unit, so, click on the "Send" icon (Up Arrow)
6. Select UTF8 and type in "r00X00" and click "Write" to send the command (0s are zeros)
Note: Command is case sensitive!
7. Next we are going to look for the return value in the Log. Go to the "Log" tab.
Note: Scrolling might be locked by default, so, click on the scroll lock icon (bottom right) until it says "Scrolling Unlocked"
8. Scroll to locate the return value. The return-value line item will say
"Read Value 0x72-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx for Characteristic FF01"
Note: Notice how the value will start with 0x72 (letter "r" in hex)
Note down the whole value. This value represents the raw reading value of the soil probe.